Good morning, StepfordWife! Welcome...
I was the wife of an elder..... I have seen many situations with "committees" and "elder's visits"..... When you first hear of them, they sound so 'innocent'... so 'loving'.... so "we want to help you-ish."
Remember, the organization comes FIRST.
It really doesn't matter if you have done ANYTHING wrong, if the elders in your hall 1. like your husband and want to help him 2. don't like you 3. want to show their power 4. want to get rid of your husband 5. want to impress the CO 6. are just nimwits..... they can & will either "mark you" or DF you.... They can do it w/o a meeting. I have seen it.
People who just testify at trials, and tell the truth, and piss off the Society get DF'd... The WT just sends it's minions to your hall, appoint them as 'new elders to help out' and THEY simply go "talk to" the right hearted truth teller, then come up with some self righteous reason to DF them. No meeting, no notice, no nothing.
My family made it out together... it took some time... All the males were DF'd, the women were not (not that I couldn't be).... BUT, even tho I am not DF'd, my mom won't "talk" with me (as a normal human being... just righteously business like) because "you don't go to the meetings anymore".
I went to some "helpful elders meetings" and had nightmares for a year. I would never, ever, ever submit myself to that. Don't think you are smarter, don't think you are tougher... they CAN and WILL use even your attitude or ANYthing they want to find a reason to simply 'cast bad light on you'? They don't need to DF you.... Nowadays, many JWs will treat you very differently just for not going to meetings. It all depends on the people..... you never know....
Court? Libel? That is something everyone wishes they could do, but you have to prove they have effected you monetarily to have that work. The Society has lawyers that are quite adept at bending the law, filing rebuttals at the last moment, and all that takes time and money....
If your husband really, really wants to be an elder, and if that is his number one priority, I agree with others here, tell him "Keep this quiet about how I feel, and you'll have a better chance of remaining an elder. If you make it an issue, you will have a good chance of being removed."
I have seen soooooo many elders remain elders even when their kids left, people drank themselves silly, etc, etc, because "they tried their best.".... But, on the other hand, when they are not popular or well liked, if there is a will, there is a way, and they will be removed.
ARC.... This may be a good choice to bring up to hubby. I am wondering if these elders, that did not report the crimes of the pedophiles in Australia, will get jail time? maybe they will have to pay $$$???? In any case, ask your husband how he would feel if he had not stuck up for these children, and helped them escape? Is he prepared to go to jail? Would his conscience bother him?
As a poster pointed out, perhaps you can say, "I don't feel it is safe for my daughter in this org, so many pedophiles being protected by the 'two witness rule. Jesus said, "whoever stumbles one of these little ones gets the millstone, and gets tossed into the deep blue sea"... I can't support this type of activity, my conscience would bother me deeply"
Really.... really, really, really, do NOT meet with them... they will screw your brain, whether you give them the info or not.
Get a job, work at night, take classes that are on meeting nights... ??? or just, as one person said, just say "no thanks" and move along. ;-) From one ex-elder's wife to another...
Cha Ching